We made the news with our eco-friendly pet bedding and social enterprise. Watch to check out our work here and learn the how and why we make Ecoshred Bed. This is a great way to see how far your support goes when you choose to buy from us. A massive Thank you to all of you for choosing Ecoshred Bed to bed your Pets on, every penny of your money is working to change lives!
Since you are here we want to share our vision of the future for our community which is what we are all about at our social enterprise Behind The Stable Door. Please see the about us page to look at the work going on here. Sadly our research is not free for us and we have no funding to help drive the lasting change we really want. Please contact us here if you think you might like to partner with us or help us. We love collaborating with communities and businesses on how we can grow our social and environmental impact together!
Also, anything you purchase from us will automatically support our environmental and social mission so we would be very grateful if you would check out our shop before you go!